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Construction Timber

Sub market segments: laminated beams, I-beams and wall beams

The sub market segment construction timber is split up into straight laminated beams, curved laminated beams, I-beams and wall beams

Construction Timber:

The sub market segment Construction Timber is dominated by polycondensate adhesives, traditionally used for the construction industry. 

Besides conventional MUF adhesives, we lead a strong trend of developing adhesives which are not classified as hazardous. These adhesives do not contain raw materials of concern which, within the current knowledge of the supplier and in the concentrations applicable, are classified as hazardous to health or the environment and hence require reporting according to EU Regulation for Classification, Labeling and Packaging (EC 1272/2008) and its amendments. 

These adhesive systems are clear trendsetter and the solution for the near future.


Best suited adhesive technologies for construction timber

Melamine based adhesives for structural   High performance adhesive systems for load bearing constructions
PRF Adhesives for structural application   Adhesives for load bearing constructions
Polyurethane Adhesives   Adhesives for load bearing constructions

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